Event Archive

Vector Commitments for Stateless Cryptocurrencies

Duke Privacy and Security Seminar
Speaker Name
Alin Tomescu
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time

Recently, Merkle trees have been proposed as a way to scale block validation in cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum (or Bitcoin). The key insight is that block validators can verify Merkle proofs of account balances (or of unspent coins) against a Merkle root of the cryptocurrency’s state (i.e., the database of every user’s balance). This so-called stateless validation approach eliminates the need for block validators (e.g., miners, P2P nodes) to store large amounts of data and access it from disk during validation, which can be slow.

Beyond Equi-joins: Ranking, Enumeration and Factorization

Everything Data Seminar Series
Speaker Name
Nikolaos Tziavelis
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time

How can we efficiently represent and enumerate the results of theta-join queries? Factorization techniques have found notable success as a compact representation scheme that allows for enumeration algorithms where the results are produced incrementally after a preprocessing phase. However, these factorized representations have mainly been limited so far to equi-joins. This talk will present factorization techniques for general theta-join queries where the join conditions between relations go beyond equality.

Fast, Scalable, and Communication-Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Boolean and Arithmetic Circuits

Duke Privacy and Security Seminar
Speaker Name
Chenkai Weng
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time
This talk is about "Wolverine: Fast, Scalable, and Communication-Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Boolean and Arithmetic Circuits (https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/925)" and "Quicksilver: Efficient and Affordable Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Circuits and Polynomials over Any Field (https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/076)".

Ownership: A Distributed Futures System for Fine-Grained Tasks

Systems and Networking Seminar
Speaker Name
Stephanie Wang
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time

The distributed futures interface is an increasingly popular choice for building distributed applications that manipulate large amounts of data. Distributed futures are an extension of RPC that combines futures and distributed memory: a distributed future is a reference whose eventual value may be stored on a remote node. An application can then express distributed computation without having to specify when or where execution should occur and data should be moved.

Towards Efficient Cloud Systems for Data-Intensive Applications

Miscellaneous Talk
Speaker Name
Danyang Zhuo
The talk will be virtual on Webex.
Date and Time
In this talk, I will focus on the communication aspect for data-intensive applications in the cloud. I will cover two projects: (1) Slim, an efficient network stack design for container virtualization. (2) Hoplite, an efficient and fault-tolerant collective communication layer for distributed serverless frameworks.

NIMBLE Task Scheduling for Serverless Analytics

Systems and Networking Seminar
Speaker Name
Hong Zhang
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time
We find that while schedulers in server-centric analytics frameworks typically optimize for job runtime, resource utilization and isolation via inter-job scheduling policies, serverless analytics requires them to optimize for job runtime and cost of execution instead, introducing a new task-level scheduling problem. We present NIMBLE, a fine-grained scheduling algorithm to solve this problem.

MAD-HTLC: Because HTLC is Crazy-Cheap to Attack

Duke Privacy and Security Seminar
Speaker Name
Itay Tsabary
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time

Smart Contracts and transactions allow users to implement elaborate constructions on cryptocurrency blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Many of these constructions, including operational payment channels and atomic swaps, use a building block called Hashed Time-Locked Contract (HTLC).

Enabling State-Intensive Network Functions on Programmable Switches

Systems and Networking Seminar
Speaker Name
Daehyeok Kim
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time
In this talk, I will present our recent work exploring a new approach that leverages DRAM on servers available in typical NFV clusters. Our new system architecture, called TEA (Table Extension Architecture), provides a virtual table abstraction that allows network functions (NFs) on programmable switches to look up large virtual tables built on external DRAM.

New Algorithms and Lower Bounds for All-Pairs Max-Flow

Algorithms Seminar
Speaker Name
Ohad Talmon
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time

When can maximum flow be solved for all pairs of nodes faster than naively solving it separately for each pair? We will overview new algorithms, including a very recent result, and also lower bounds (under some popular assumptions) for this question. 

TechConnect February 2021

inDuke Event
CareerEco virtual networking environment - Registration Required
Date and Time

Duke TechConnect brings students and employers together for networking, education and connections. At TechConnect on February 9, 2021, employers will connect with Engineering and Computer Science students in a virtual networking environment powered by CareerEco.

High Performance Graph Mining System and Architecture

Duke Electrical Computer Engineering Colloquium
Speaker Name
Xuehai Qian
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time

Graph mining, which finds all embeddings matching specific patterns, is a fundamental task in many applications. In this talk, I will present the first graph mining system that decomposes the target pattern into several subpatterns, and then computes the count of each.

Towards Uncertainty and Efficiency in Reinforcement Learning

Ph. D. Defense
Speaker Name
Rui-yi Zhang
Date and Time

Deep reinforcement learning (RL) has received great success in playing video and board games, where a simulator is well-defined and massive samples are available. However, in many real-world applications, the samples may be expensive and risky to collect. We consider designing sample efficient RL algorithms for online exploration and learning from offline interactions.

GamesCrafters: Solving the World’s Board Games with Computational Game Theory

Miscellaneous Talk
Speaker Name
Dan Garcia
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time
The talk, which is for computer science students and anyone else interested in Computational Game Theory, will begin with the foundational principles of abstract strategy games, explain how we exhaustively solve the games (with a delightful small game participants play with their neighbors called “10-to-0-by-1-or-2”), and conclude with a demonstration of the GAMESMAN system we’ve collectively built over the span of almost 20 years.

Who's Calling? Characterizing Robocalls through Audio and Metadata Analysis

Duke Privacy and Security Seminar
Speaker Name
Sathvik Prasad
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time

Unsolicited calls are one of the most prominent security issues facing individuals today. Despite wide-spread anecdotal discussion of the problem, many important questions remain unanswered. In this paper, we present the first large-scale, longitudinal analysis of unsolicited calls to a honeypot of up to 66,606 lines over 11 months. From call metadata we characterize the long-term trends of unsolicited calls, develop the first techniques to measure voicemail spam, wangiri attacks, and identify unexplained high-volume call incidences.

Building a New Generation of Data Center Network on Top of Programmable Data Planes

Systems and Networking Seminar
Speaker Name
Hongqiang Liu
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time

Based on our two recent publications, HPCC (SIGCOMM'19) and NetSeet (SIGCOMM'20), this talk will introduce the performance and reliability challenges faced by state-of-the-art data center networks in practice.

We will look at a vision of how the programmability in the data plane can potentially address these challenges, and the efforts Alibaba Cloud is making towards this direction.

Google in Chapel Hill: Entangled With Graphics

Duke Computer Science Colloquium
Speaker Name
Mike Reed
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time

For 15+ years, Google has had an engineering office in Chapel Hill. Come hear how that came to be, and what the teams are working on. Learn about the graphic engine in Android and Chrome, and how that technology has changed/evolved over time. Get a sampling of current efforts and challenges, and how some of that work inspired a class at UNC.

Energy-Efficient Processor Design and Solutions for General Purpose and Big Data/IoT Computing

ACM-W Distinguished Speaker
Speaker Name
Vijayalakshmi Saravanan
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time

The evolution of Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT) paves the way to digitally connected devices and objects to the internet that influences every aspect of our lives. The devices in the IoT are heterogeneous based on the different hardware and network platforms. The state of the Big Data/IoT devices and the number of devices can change dynamically as well as the context of devices connecting location and speed.

Prophet Inequality with Correlated Arrival Probabilities, with Application to Two Sided Matchings

Miscellaneous Talk
Speaker Name
Van-Anh Truong
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time
The classical Prophet Inequality arises from a fundamental problem in optimal-stopping theory. In this problem, a gambler sees a finite sequence of independent, non-negative random variables. In this paper, we prove a corresponding bound for correlated non-negative random variables. We apply this new prophet inequality to the design of algorithms for a class of two-sided bipartite matching problems that underlie online task assignment problems.

Machine Learning in Radiology: Algorithm Development and Clinical Applications

Duke Computer Science Colloquium
Speaker Name
Maciej Mazurowski
The talk will be virtual on Zoom.
Date and Time

Deep learning has shown to be very well suited to solve many outstanding problems in medical imaging. Unique challenges of medical imaging also present an opportunity for development of new deep learning algorithms. Dr. Mazurowski’s laboratory focuses on development and application of machine learning methods in medical imaging with a strong focus on ensuring that the developed algorithms will have an impact on clinical care. In this presentation, Dr. Mazurowski will discuss some ongoing projects, both focused on  development of new algorithms and on their clinical applications.