CSL: FAQs and Other Info


Choose a category above to view topics or enter terms in the box below to search only the CS Lab FAQs and other documentation.

If you have any comments, corrections, or suggestions, please contact the Lab Staff.


  • Users with questions are first directed to the Common User Questions which gives short answers (with links to more details) to the most commonly asked questions.
  • For issues not covered above, please consult the General FAQ, which lists many additional topics commonly encountered by department users
  • The Duke University Emergency Status site provides up-to-date information about campus-wide emergency events
  • OIT Service Outages provide information about campus-wide service outages, which are usually beyond the control the Lab staff; events listed here are displayed on the Lab home page as they occur
  • The department House Rules should be consulted by new users to familiarize themselves with the department and its policies
  • Online @ Duke provides information about your university account (and your NetID), as opposed to your CS account
  • For general issues not covered here, users might wish to consult the Internet FAQ archives for many generic FAQ's and other useful information.