Mapping a Network Drive

The CS labstaff maintains a server, named share, which runs the SAMBA software. This allows Windows users to access files in their UNIX home directories. The following FAQ is designed to help Windows users set up their machines to access share.

If you are accessing the file system from an external source also see the following for external access: Remote Access FAQ

If you do login to share from a public system, remember to disconnect when you are done. This can be accomplished by disconnecting the drive, logging out of the system or rebooting.

This FAQ assumes your machine is already connected to the network; if not please see the Windows Networking FAQ.

Mapping a Network Drive.

To gain access to your files, you must do what is commonly referred to as logging on to the share server. There are several methods for doing this. You can find step by step instructions (with pictures!) in the Extended Drive Mapping FAQ.

The most common procedure is given here:

  1. Click Start → Run
  2. Enter the command: net use * \\\homes /USER:WIN\NETID 
  3. Enter your NetID and password when prompted.
  4. The mapped drive will appear under My Computer and can be accessed from any Internet Explorer or Windows Explorer windows.


The University maintains a license for ExpanDrive. ExpanDrive is capable of mounting many different file systems including ssh, box, google drive, etc.. For more information ExpanDrive see the following at Software@duke