Registration Clearance for CS First Majors

Bookbagging for Fall 2023 starts Monday, March 27, 2023. Registration begins Wednesday, April 5, 2023. 

You can see the projected list of courses and other updates for the upcoming semester here.

In ordered to be cleared to register for courses, all CompSci First Majors must meet with a member of the CSTeach team, which is our Teaching Associates (Alex Chao, Kate O'Hanlon, and Yesenia Velasco) and Undergraduate Program Coordinator (Jackie Okoh) during the registration drop-in hours. Their hours are shown in the calendar below. A drop-in will take less than 5 mins.

Do not go to your advisor for registration clearance. Only meet with your advisor if you want advice on topics such as, why go to graduate school, how to get started on research, etc. or you can virtually meet with DUS Susan Rodger or DUS Associate Owen Astrachan. 

If you would like to list a preference for an advisor or change your advisor, please complete this form.

If you are doing an IDM, please see the DUS, Susan Rodger to get cleared. Please see the DUS drop in hours with Susan Rodger.

In general, if you have questions send email to and we will answer them there.

Virtual Meetings with the DUS, Susan Rodger

If you want to sign up to meet virtually with the DUS Susan Rodger for questions about the major or advising, you can find her appointment times slots on this page. (requires authentication)

CSTeach Registration Clearance Hours

These are drop-in hours (no appointment necessary). We have times ranging from early morning to late at night, so please be sure to scroll on the calendar. All times are in Eastern Standard Time. Please check the event on the calendar prior to joining the zoom, as times may have been updated. Zoom Link: (requires Duke authentication)

Please have your Unique ID ready. It is the number on the back of your DukeCard.

There is a waiting room to ensure a private conversation with each student. If the time on the calendar is indicated as a drop-in and you are not let into the Zoom within ~1 minute, it is likely that there is someone else being helped in the Zoom room and you will have to wait until they are done. Popular times may have a longer waiting room. Each session should take less than 5 minutes.

Permission Number Request

Please use this form (Duke login required) to request a Permission Number for a COMPSCI course for Fall 2023. This permission number is generally only for bypassing pre-requisites, and will place you on the waitlist if a course is full. 

Answers to Common Questions:

Who do I meet with if my first major is not COMPSCI?

If you are a COMPSCI second major or COMPSCI minor, then you need to meet with your First Major Advisor to be cleared to register. If you are undeclared but planning on declaring for COMPSCI, please visit your first-year advisor until you have declared.

Who do I meet with if I am doing study abroad?

If you are away/abroad this semester, you are automatically cleared for registration for next semester courses. 

If you are planning on being abroad next semester and you have been approved for a study abroad program, then you do not need to meet with an advisor. If you have not been approved yet, you should bookbag and register for Duke courses just in case. Many COMPSCI courses fill up during the registration period, so if you do not go abroad, it would be difficult to add COMPSCI courses later.

How do I add/drop/change my major, minor, concentration or certificate?

Instructions and links for doing so are available on the registrar’s website. Note that no changes to academic plans will be processed by the registrar’s office during registration period.

Are there substitutions for courses?

Any substitutions must be approved by the DUS office. A list of common substitutions are on this page, but they are not automatic. Send a request to for approval of a course substitution.